Rates & Insurance
Below are the insurance companies in which Hand In Hand Counseling Services LLC is in-network with or currently working to become in-network with. Please note any insurer that has "Coming Soon!" listed next to it, is not an insurance panel that is in-network yet, but is in the works!
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Medical Mutual
Quest Behavioral Health
United Healthcare
United Healthcare Medicare Advantage - COMING SOON!
Click below if you'd like to be notified when we're in-network with your insurer!
Below you'll find self-pay rates for sessions:
$150 - Diagnostic Evaluation (Initial Appointment)
$135 - 55 Minute Individual Session
$145 - Family Collaboration Session
$60 - Missed Appointment/Late Cancellation Fee
Inquire About EMDR Extended Sessions Below
Hand In Hand Counseling Services accepts all major credit cards as form of payment, and requires a card to be on file in a client chart prior to beginning services. HSA is accepted. If you require a different form of payment please be sure to indicate that during your consultation.